Architectural Supervision and Foreman Supervision
Comprehensive project support includes the organization of construction supervision, repairs, and supervision at historical real estate sites.

Author's Supervision
Designer supervision includes:
Selection, ordering, control of delivery, and installation of all necessary interior elements (furniture, finishing materials, equipment).
Ensuring that purchased materials, interior items, and furniture comply with the developed architectural and design project (color scheme, texture, form).
Providing all necessary initial data (volumes, dimensions, drawings) for the selection and ordering of finishing materials, furniture, and equipment.
Regular visits by the designer and architect to the site, salons, and shops to advise on purchasing interior elements.
Consulting the client and their representatives by phone regarding the project.
Maintaining constant control over the implementation of the architectural and design project at the site.
Making necessary adjustments to the working drawings following the dismantling of old and erecting new partitions, leveling floors, walls, and ceilings.
Providing additional project materials (drawings, elevations, sections) required for project implementation at the request of the construction team.
Consulting builders and finishers on all design materials, selected equipment, and furniture, including plumbing, lighting, etc., and overseeing their purchase and delivery to the site on behalf of the client.

Technical Supervision
Superintendent services include:
Quality control of construction and repair work, and assistance in solving engineering problems.
The main tasks of the superintendent's supervision are to control, throughout the entire construction and repair period, the adherence to work technologies, regulatory document requirements, and the rigorous implementation of design solutions.
The superintendent promptly resolves arising issues, makes necessary documentation changes, and ensures the timely correction of incidental shortcomings and errors by strictly adhering to standards and technologies.

Supervision is Necessary for Many Reasons, Including:
Security is one of the most important characteristics of high-quality modern housing.
Quality control of work and adherence to technologies ensure the reliability, strength, and durability of structures and engineering systems.
Many construction tasks are performed in multiple stages, and while the result is visible only at the end, it largely depends on the quality of the work concealed by subsequent stages.
Control and examination of such works are carried out by supervision specialists.
Interesting and non-standard architectural design projects often contain complex technical solutions that require clarification during the finishing and renovation stages.
Elite architectural and design projects, which constitute the majority of our practice, often involve the use of new technologies, materials, and the installation of complex engineering systems.
Supervision specialists advise finishers, highlighting the peculiarities of the technology used in such works.
Timely control of construction and repair processes is much more efficient and cost-effective than correcting already-made mistakes, thus avoiding unnecessary expenses.
The foreman controls the order and delivery of finishing materials to the site.
The foreman not only controls the quality but also the volume of work performed, ensuring the project is completed on time.

Architectural Supervision and Foreman Supervision
Our mission is to ensure your confidence in the quality of construction or repair and the validity of your expenses.
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